Wednesday, October 25, 2006

J.J. Yeah...That'll Work

TMZ has announced the real name and the real sex of Britney Spears and Kevin Federline's second child. Although I still think that Brit and K-Fab should have gone with the name Frap Achino Spears Federline I guess that Jayden James Federline will suffice. I mean...they can DEFINITLY trash up a name like J.J. (sorry J.J. Abrams, but it's true!)

TMZ has proof of the birth it's offical...Britney did NOT have a girl and the baby will not be called Sutton Pierce (THANK GOD for that, who needs two kids with names that closely related...y'all know Kevin wouldn't be able to figure that one out!)

Wanna catch a TOTAL stalker glimpse of the little one? Watch the video where you can ALMOST see Jayden here!

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