Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Sticky Fingaz! NOOOOOOOOOOO!

Sticky Fingaz has gone and done quite possibly the dumbest thing ever. He has given K-Fab a chance!! Thanks to rapper/actor Sticky Fingaz Kevin Federline will be making his debut on the Big Screen. (and I am not talking about one of the obscenely large TV's I'm sure Kevin bought with his "own money", I am talking about movies folks!) He will star in a hip-hop musical called "Caught on Tape". According to Fingaz, "This is a hardcore musical - lots of violence, sex, action, drama, plus sentiment and romance as well. It's Kev Fed's (movie) acting debut. He's really cool." Someone must have slipped some crazy into Sticky Fingaz Lucky Charms the morning he decided to cast this moron!

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