Thursday, July 13, 2006

X-Men Press Conference in Tokyo

Didn't this movie come out like SO long ago?! Regardless, I haven't seen it since I heard that it wasn't so great. I am a huge x-men fan (like coming book, and cartoon fan...I'm the real deal people!), but I just couldn't see this movie if it was bad...I am sure I will rent it though.

Now this is me trying NOT to be a jerk...I really love Famke Janssen, I think she is awesome, beautiful and was an amazing Jean Gray...But I can't seem to look at her in the same way ever since I started watching Nip/Tuck...To me she will now always be a predatorial post-op transexual life coach named Ava...Jean Gray is NOT a man...Nor is she that promiscuous!
It's just messing me up a little...


Anonymous said...

hugh jackman is soooo sexy!!!

LBA said...

AVA !!

I *knew* I knew her. Thanks for the heads' up

Love Nip/Tuck, yeah.