Thursday, September 08, 2005

Lindsay...Locked Out!

So I feel for Lindsay, because this has happened to me not once, not twice, but numerous times. I too have locked myself out of my car, however I did not look as glamorous while it was happening nor was anyone there taking pictures of me...actually no one was there at all. Not a single friend, not the Triple A guy that I had called...NO ONE!

I guess this story starts out really when I was back in high school and my best friend Jackie comes into school looking rather upset and disheveled. I ask what’s wrong to which she responds that not only did she lock her keys in the car, but she locked them in the car while the car was still running. By the time anyone came to help her out, her gas was basically all done and then she had to go to the gas station. If I were a good friend I would simply just put my arm around her and console her and tell her how sorry I felt for her, but my natural instinct took over and I couldn’t stifle it. I laughed.

Fast Forward 3 years later while I am in college, I go to Syracuse so clearly it is freezing and snowing at the time. And what do I do? I lock my keys in my car…with the car running. Two seconds after I realize what I have done I have a vicious flashback to high school and I am brought back to that moment when instead of being a concerned friend, I did nothing other than LAUGH at Jackie! Now I’m thinking this is totally why this is happening to me. I have locked my keys in my car because I laughed at Jackie…sucks, but Karma has a way of biting you in the ass when you least expect/want it to happen!

Now if this only happened once I wouldn’t think so much of it, but it happened not once but twice…and once again I have heard this story before. I have been warned before it had happened to me, and still it happened to me. So I feel or Lindsay, it sucks…and at least I didn’t have to have my picture taken while I was in the process of being embarrassed!

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