Thursday, September 01, 2005

The Skinny on the Weight Issue

The media has been inundated with real images of the "real woman" lately. From the Nike Ads that show women's "problem areas" that they love to the Dove ads that show real women with real curves. We are trying to change the image of what a woman needs to look like and teach younger girls that you do not have to be anorexic to be beautiful.

I think all we need to do is show side by sides of young actresses in Hollywood who have lost WAAAAAAY too much weight and looked a lot better when they ate a little.

Take Hillary and Lindsay for example both actresses lost way, way, way too much weight and both looked a lot better with some extra meat on their bones. I think that every girl in America can agree with this...So please...Lets stop with the eating disorders and go back to being NORMAL!!!!! By the way...Lindsay's eating more and looks a lot better so if Lindsay can do it we all can!

See Hillary...Lindsay's looking better....Can you now please eat too??

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