Thursday, May 04, 2006

8 Seconds on 8th and Ocean

First there was this....

Then there was THIS...

And then came this!!

Okay...Another not so interesting episode. No Heidi drama, no boys saying dude at least 17 times in 45 seconds, no Kelly being a raging bitch? MTV...WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?! Please don't tell me you have killed my favorite show and I will have to resort to Tiara Girls!

First off...I don't blame Tracie for leaving, the poor girl never got any work, and her roommates had nothing in common with her due to the age difference. So good for Tracie, good luck in LA.

Brit had a pretty interesting experience when modeling her "clothes" which were basically not clothes at all, but rather carefully placed pieces of fabric. But good girl Brit didn't disappoint, she did a great job AND cried afterwards to her parents.

Next week though....When Brit and Teddy make out...That looks AWWWWESOME! I wonder if she will think that photo shoot is immoral?!

NOTHING else happened...So that's it, I know, not very witty, but when you have nothing to work with it's hard to be funny!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.