Monday, November 28, 2005

Holler, We Want Pre-Nup, We Want Pre-Nup

It's something that you got to have cause if HE leaves your ass, HE's gonna leave with half! And so it seems that Nick Lachey might be doing exactly that. Although I find this story a little hard to believe due to the fact that Joe Simpson pretty much rules his daughters' lives....Supposedly Jessica and Nick never signed a pre-nuptial agreement. By California law this means that Nick will be entitled to half of Jessica's earnings. Looks like Nick wont be needing to resurrect his singing career anytime soon (and we should all be thankful for that)!! I wonder what we will see Nick doing after the divorce is all said and done...I predict we will see him in some WB shows...maybe here about 2 singles, I'm sure which will be about being hurt and burned, maybe a cameo in a movie...And then I predict him and Drew will live happily ever after in a big house where they will attempt to move all the furniture by themselves all paid for by Jessica. I'm SO going to miss Newlyweds!

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