Tuesday, February 28, 2006

It's Spring Time in Paris!

Ok...It isn't spring time YET, but I have failed to let you all know that I have been obsessing over The Bachelor Paris for the past few weeks. So I digress. I was a little upset when Travis sent Susan home, but really only because I wanted to see Susan's mom sell her out a little more. I mean really how does a mother sell their daughter down the river like that?! Regardless even though I thought she was the prettiest out of the bunch I think Travis made the right decision when giving her the boot. I also think, although she might not agree, that getting kicked off probably will help her "acting career" seeing as we were able to see her "true range".

Ok no moving forward a little more. The reunion was AWESOME although I really wish that Ali G. Was there for more reasons other than I think its funny to hear them call her Ali G. (She is certainly no Sacha Baron Cohen) But more so because I really wanted a "clock-ticking" experience with her again! More importantly though, as much as I agree with Susan going home the week before I do not agree with the way everyone was attacking her. I think that the one girl that was ripping into her (Jennifer, Ali?? I can't remember who it was) was so mean and so wrong. I think it was a little bit of a case of jealousy because the girls were never happy that she had made it so far. I think that she might have been there for the right reasons, and that she might have developed feelings, but I agree with the fact that possibly it wasn't a lasting "feeling" that she had. I liked how all the girls said they saw the "softer side of Moana", but personally I still think she is fake.

Now...Real time comments! I am SOOOOOOOOO HAPPY that Travis picked Sarah. He had me a little worried at the end until right before the last commercial break when he said, "truth be told I know who I am going to pick and I know it is the right choice." Right then and there I knew it was my girl Sarah! Although we have only seen one marriage come out of The Bachelor, I think this love might be real, and I'm pretty sure these two will be in it for the long run. (Just for the record I liked Trista and Ryan, but I think Trista puts on an act for the public and their "on-screen" love might be a little fake)

Moana didn't look so shocked to me, and her tears were KILLING me. All she did was cry throughout the entire episode. Travis kept saying that she is a very emotional girl...Yeah emotionally UNSTABLE! I think that nothing she has said over the entire season was real. I feel as though she made a real effort to look "softer", but all in all, I didn't see them being together. There was just something about the way she said, "I want to leave with my man" that sealed the deal for me and I knew that their relationship was too casual and would never end up standing the tests of time.

Now...I cannot WAIT to find out if Sarah and Travis make it! They are so cute and she really brought out the positive qualities in him! SOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE! Listen...I was in the Greek system, I know fake...And this is real :) Cross my heart!


oh and P.S. I know the show made him do the final rose ceremony the way he did. By saying all these possitve things and then, "But". But MAN WAS THAT HARSH! And then when he said "But" to Sarah, I almost DIED!!

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