Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Kevin Likes to Change Diapers...Britney Doesn't Know What a Diaper is!

In an interview with a popular gossip TV show Kevin Federline told the world that he loved being a father, everything about it, even down to changing Sean's diapers.

Britney, on the other hand, might not be as excited about the diaper changing as Kevin claims to be. According to FemaleFirst Britney rushed her son to the hospital fearing something might be wrong with him due to his incessant crying. When little Sean was checked out her fears were calmed, although mine were elevated. Apparently there was nothing more wrong with Sean then the fact that he just needed a diaper change.

Um....That's so embarrassing that even I am turning shades of red for Britney. The Pop Princess snuck out of the hospital through a back door as to avoid the paparazzi, apparently she has had all the embarrassment when regarding Sean than she can take. She sent someone later to pick up the tiny tot!

There are SO many things wrong with this story it isn't even funny at ALL...Okay well it's a little funny!

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