Monday, February 27, 2006

What To Do In The Event of a Terrorist Attack

If you are sprayed with an unknown substance, stand and think about a cool design for a new tattoo.

Look people...This is some serious stuff! In a world where children no longer are scared of the imaginary monsters under their bed, but the real ones that co-habitat with us everyday the world can be a very scary place. Thanks to many terror alerts, and the National Threat level that seems to alleviate nothing more than our anxiety people are scared everyday. We live in a world now where we need to be suspicious of everyone and everything around us. Even children are taught these things at a young age which unfortunately only cause racial and ethnic profiling to become a stronger mode of "finding" the bad people. The more we teach it, the more ingrained it will become, but unfortunately it is the world we now live in.

However, what is life when you are cowering in a corner and refusing to talk to people because you are scared of them? That's not life...That's letting terrorism win...So although this is a serious matter..Why not have a little laugh about it to alleviate some of the fears that we must live with day in and day out!

The government has come up with a new site to help let us know what to do in the event of a terrorist attack, but like most road signs and most warning signs it is hard to tell EXACTLY wha these vague pictures mean. So someone has spoofed the new US Government Website just to give us a little laugh in an otherwise pretty scary world! Check it's really hilarious!

(Thanks Mike!!)

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