Tuesday, February 21, 2006

You're Beautiful...And I'm Selling You on eBay!

James Blunt sold his sister on eBay. Apparently James Blunt has a little addiction to selling things on eBay. He told Contact Music, "I've eBayed the entire contents of our flat and have nothing left to sell." So when he had nothing left to sell he decided it would be a good idea to sell his sister?

Well...Not exactly, his sister needed to get to a funeral over in Ireland within 24 hours and nothing seemed to be working in his favor. No plane, no train, no ferry, so he decided that he would auction off his sister as a "damsel in distress" who needed a man to take her to the funeral. The 27 year old was won by a wealthy man who flew James' sister to the funeral in his own helicopter.

Was this insensitive of him? Well...Maybe it wasn't the best way to go about getting your sister a ride to a funeral, but it seems to all have worked out wonderfully. I'm sure James Blunt has now filled his addiction to sell things on eBay now that he has sold something as big as his sister, and as for his sister? Well, she and the highest bidder have been dating for 9 months now and she is currently in the process of moving out of his flat and in with the helicopter pilot.

hmmmm....Maybe I should auction myself off....

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