Monday, October 24, 2005

Hillary Gets Fat

And thank GOD she does! Finally Hillary is starting to look more healthy and is gaining some weight back, she is back to that pretty little girl from Lizzie McGuire! But, what I am having a problem with is this...With all that money that she is making, how come she isn't spending some of it on having her jeans shortened. I mean I have the same problem, but it isn't all that expensive to get you jeans hemmed, although if she starts to make this into a fashion statement, then she would be saving me a ton of money!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Intel pays 17-year-old patent suit settlement
How's 17 years for a start-up's payback time? It was a big surprise last week when Intel agreed to pay $300 million to former high-flier MicroUnity to settle patent claims.
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