Monday, October 03, 2005

Jude Law Has an illegitimate Child????
It's true what they say. If you are a slut you are bound to end up on Maury getting a paternity test to figure out the real father of your child. Following the leak of Kate Moss extracurricular activities Kate Moss' x-boyfriend Jefferson Hack is trying to obtain custody of their two-year-old daughter Lila.
Easy enough right?
*Rich mom does coke...Loses child
*pretends to learn her lesson, gets child back
*Does coke again and loses child again
*EVENTUALLY learns lesson
Sounds like a lifetime movie to me. But it isn't that simple. Supposedly Lila might be the product of her mother's more promiscuous days when she and long time friend Sadie Frost used to "swap" mates and engage in orgies. Therefore making Jude Law a VERY PROBABLE candidate for parenthood. (Is it England that causes behavior like this, or is it being famous and rich??)
So lets stay tuned in the lifetime movie that has become Kate Moss' life to see who Lila's REAL father is and whether or not she will in fact lose custody of her child.

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