Monday, July 25, 2005

Jude Eats his Child!

I understand that Jude Law is very upset over losing Seinna Miller (although I wont pretend like I feel badly for the cheating bastard!) But really....Eating your kid isn't going to make you feel any better! (I'm kidding it's a VERY cute picture) Jude...Put down you're child and go back to apologizing (but don't fall for it Seinna! Once a cheater always a cheater!!)

On another Miller/Law note....Jude's x-wife Sadie Frost has been offering Seinna Miller an ear if she needs one to talk to...That's sweet.

Nanny Daisy is also offering some advice to Seinna...Telling her NOT to go back to the scum bag, and telling her that he will only cheat again....That's...Not so sweet, I mean I get that she is trying to offer some condolences, but really...Who wants to hear any advice from the woman who SLEPT WITH THEIR FIANCE?! Nice try hunny....But it's not going to gain any love from the press, public, Seinna, OR ME!

Oh and P.S. Nanny older unattractive Nanny...Hired!

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