Thursday, March 16, 2006

Please God...NO!

Looks like we will sometime very soon see something that only Britney Spears and Shar Jackson ever wanted to see! Kevin Federline told Blender magazine that if his Rap career fails (and come on...We have all heard PopoZao...It will likely fail!) then he will bare it all! Mother's always tell us, go to school. Have a career to fall back on, don't put all you money on (insert extravagant career here). Well apparently Kevin's mom must have heard his song and told him the same thing, because he has come up with a fall back career that is certain to make us all laugh even more than his rap career will. Kevin wants to be a striper! EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!

"I'’ll be at your local strip club, but I'’ll be the one dancing," He told Blender Mag. Please...don't let him come to NYC I don't need to be hearing about this! The only women in the world that might actually be excited about this might be his wife Brit and his past love Shar! (Although I'm sure if we asked Shar she would tell us that she would rather he NOT go into this line of work!)

It's good to know though that if Kevin wont make it in the music world that he has high aspirations...come on...there has to be SOMETHING else (read: PLEASE ANYTHING ELSE) That he can do with his free (loading) time!

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