Wednesday, April 19, 2006

8 Seconds on 8th and Ocean
Dude...Are You Blind or Are You Deaf?!!
Top 8 Moments from Tuesday Night's Episode!

8. "She's looking good from afar, but when you get close she looks far from good" Adrian

7. Adrian and Teddy talk....Teddy shows us his flare for vocabulary when he uses the word "DUDE" 8 times in a matter of 15 seconds.

6. "Fuck that dude, I'm not about messages!"

5. Awkward moment between Brit and Teddy. "Yeah I know Heidi well, don't worry about it!" Teddy once again shows us his smooth moves when he brings Heidi up in front of Brit...Um....UR AN IDIOT TEDDY.

4. Irene Marie's laugh...SOMEONE'S had a little too much botox!

3. Adrian and Sean's dance moves at Club Prive...I mean, really do I have to say much more? That was pretty freaking priceless!

2. Heidi's dancing....Um...Can we call it that? Heidi about to kiss Vinci? Heidi and Vinci apparently hooking up everytime they see each other and he is wasted? Heidi "promising Lawrence that she wouldn't leave without him?!" What's that about?? Basically...HEIDI BEING A SLI-ZUT!!!!

1. Heidi coming in on a conversation where EVERYONE was talking about her! AWWWWWESOME! No one likes a lose girl!! My favorite part...Heidi getting out of the hot tub when EVERYONE was trying to get them to be alone. Weirdo!

Heidi....Might be a man. Not only are her actions very man-like. "Hell yes!! I wanna get wasted!" But she also sounds a little bit like a man too. Does she dance like a man though? Well...Not really, more like she dances like a little sli-zut! I mean everything was fine and dandy until Teddy decided that he wanted to get a drink...After that everything went down hill! Not only did she decide that it was necessary to dance with EVERY guy at the bar, but she also decided that it must have been necessary to try and make out with Vinci. I wonder if Teddy knows that Heidi and Vinci always "hook up when she is wasted". I'm sure that if he did know it wouldn't be his most favorite topic of "dude" conversation! (And REALLY they said dude WAY TOO MUCH!)

Now on to my favorite part of the show...Lets say it all together now...AWKWARD MOMENT! How awkward was it when everyone just stopped talking when Heidi came into the hotub?! IT WAS AWESOME! She couldn't feel more like an outsider!! And clearly she cannot take a hint. Like when everyone was getting out of the hot tub and going in the pool to get away from her and leave the two of them together...And then she gets out of the tub and jumps in the pool too! Not only is she a man...SHE'S REALLY DUMB TOO!

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